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CreatedBy Festival

22octAll DayCreatedBy FestivalMuseumTopicsSTEAMAges0 to 3,3 to 5,5 to 6,6+What are we learningBeing open to possibilities,Persisting,Thinking creatively and imaginatively,Working flexiblyProgram formatSpecial event

Program details

Boston Children’s Museum offers joyful STEAM (science, technology, engineering, art, and math) learning experiences for children and families every day of the year. But, during Mass STEM Week, we kick the celebration into high gear with CreatedBy by giving access to our New England STEAM partners to our visitors.

CreatedBy Festival (formerly the Boston Mini Maker Faire), produced by Boston Children’s Museum, is an annual showcase and festival of ingenuity, imagination, and cross-disciplinary creativity. CreatedBy is an all-ages event that brings together artists, inventors, fabricators, educators, local makers, and STEAM professionals/organizations that engage our visitors with hands-on activities.


October 22, 2023 All Day(GMT-04:00)



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