Carla Naumburg, PhD, LICSW is a parent coach, writer, and speaker. She is the author of three parenting books: Ready, Set, Breathe: Practicing Mindfulness with Your Children for Fewer Meltdowns and a More Peaceful Family (New Harbinger, 2015) and Parenting in the Present Moment: How to Stay Focused on What Really Matters (Parallax, 2014), and the forthcoming How to Stop Losing Your Sh*t With Your Kids (Workman, 2019). Her writing has appeared in The New York Times, The Washington Post, The Huffington Post, and Mindful Magazine, among other places. Carla is a sought-after public speaker, and she coaches over-whelmed parents on how to make parenting less stressful and more fun. She lives in Newton with her husband, two young daughters, and two totally insane cats.

Please join us for a
Lunch & Learn Forum at
Boston Children’s Museum
Featuring Dr. Carla Naumburgspeaking on the topic of
Stay Calm and Parent On: Straightforward Strategies
for a More Peaceful Family
Tuesday, May 7, 2019
11:30 am Lunch Begins
12:00 pm Presentation begins
1:15 pm Program concludes
Lunch: $29 per person
Lunch & Book: $45 per person
(Ready, Set, Breathe: Practicing Mindfulness with Your Children
for Fewer Meltdowns and a More Peaceful Family)
Click here to register.
For general inquiries and accommodation requests, please contact Debbie Amato at Amato@BostonChildrensMuseum.org.
ASL interpreter and CART need to be requested by April 30.