Jennifer obtained her master’s degree in Child Developmental Clinical Psychology from Tufts University and bachelor’s in Psychology and Spanish from the College of Wooster. She spent almost 10 years at Isis Parenting facilitating developmental play & parenting groups, providing private parenting consults, and creating curricula for the Child Development Program. Her clinical background includes work with families in Developmental Pediatrics at Boston Medical Center, Massachu setts General Hospital, Brigham and Women’s Hospital, and Boston Children’s Hospital. She has also provided consultation services to Walt Disney Company, Buena Vista Home Productions, Henson Pictures, Granada Incorporated, and Harvard University’s Project Zero. Jennifer is involved in her local community and a proud (and active) mother of two teenage boys!

Please join us for a
Lunch & Learn Forum at
Boston Children’s Museum
Featuring Jennifer T. Gillette
speaking on the topic of
Supporting Sibling Relationships with TLC
April 30, 2018
11:30 am Lunch begins
12:00 pm Presentation begins
1:15 pm Program concludes
$29 per person with lunch included.12:00 pm Presentation begins
1:15 pm Program concludes
Click here to register

308 Congress St. • Boston, MA 02210 • BostonChildrensMuseum.org