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Library Membership

The Library Membership program at Boston Children’s Museum connects local libraries to the Museum and allows library patrons to visit the Museum at half-price admission. Each week patrons of over 200 libraries visit the Museum!

Date specific coupons are issued to each library. Each coupon admits up to four (4) visitors at half-price admission.

The Museum offers three categories of Library Membership:

1. Full Year Library Membership ($725) – Includes coupons for each day the Museum is open* for twelve months from membership purchase.
2. Half Year Library Membership ($375) – Includes coupons for each day the Museum is open for six months from membership purchase/renewal.
3. Western Massachusetts Library Membership ($250) – Available for libraries in Berkshire and Hampden counties. This Western Massachusetts membership includes coupons for Saturday and Sunday for twelve months.

*The Museum is open: July and August: 7 Days a Week; September-June: Wednesday through Sunday, most Monday holidays and MA School Vacation Weeks

Contact the Membership Office via e-mail.

Contact the Membership office via telephone – (617) 426-6500 x354

For Library frequently asked questions and instructions on migrating to a new online reservation service, click here.

 For Library Patrons – How to use your library discount coupons:

  • Participating libraries have discount coupons in-house and distribute them to patrons using various methods.
  • You must make arrangements with your library to get a discount coupon prior to make a reservation with the Museum
  • After receiving your coupon from the library, make a reservation on the Museum’s Reservations web page.  – Select Discount Programs –Select Purchase Discount Program Tickets – Select Half Price Library Timed Tickets – Complete your transaction.  You will receive your tickets via e-mail.
  • A total of four people can receive half-price admission with each discount coupon. If you wish to bring a larger party, you will need to pay full price.
  • On the day of your visit, bring your tickets and your library discount coupon.  These can be printed out or shown on your smartphone or tablet.