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Virtual Museum Experience Request Form

Virtual Museum Experience Request Form

Thank you for your interest in a virtual experience with Boston Children’s Museum. Please complete and submit this form to request a group reservation.

Please note that submitting a request does not confirm your reservation. You will be contacted once your request has been processed. All requests are processed within 5-7 business days. To inquire on the status of your reservation, contact the Groups Coordinator at or 617-426-6500 x405.

    Payment for visits is due on the day of the visit. Please do not send payment in advance.

    If you wish to be invoiced, we require an authorized purchase order on the day or your visit.

    Money Matters is $250 – This program is designed for 1st-5th grade.

    Please chose two days for Museum-facilitated parts of the program with at least 5 days between them but no more than two weeks. Please note: The Museum requires at least two weeks notice to schedule virtual experiences.



    Tell us about your group!

    *Please Note: Boston Children’s Museum requires a 1:5 chaperone to student ratio.


    We are happy to work with you to provide reasonable accommodations for all students. Please let us know how we can support you.

    Financial Assistance

    Group Demographics

    Please estimate the number of children who are:

    Please add any questions/concerns/notes for your upcoming visit.