Meet Yamaguchi-san, a Wagashi artisan from Kyoto and the owner of Suetomi Wagashi, a renowned shop with over 130 years of history. Wagashi, traditional Japanese sweets, are not only about flavor but also about perfecting the artistry of aesthetics and seasonal appreciation.
Observe Yamaguchi-san’s wagashi artisanship, learn some techniques, and use air-dry clay to try some wagashi-making methods yourself. Yamaguchi-san is also interested in hearing your ideas and stories, which may inspire new wagashi designs at Suetomi Wagashi.
Special Thanks: This program is part of our celebration of the 65th anniversary of the Kyoto-Boston Sister City partnership. We extend our gratitude to Yamaguchi-san of Suetomi Wagashi for bringing this unique experience from Kyoto.
This workshop is recommended for visitors ages 5+ and their grown-ups. Space is limited – please sign up in front of the Art Lab.